Monday, November 19, 2012

When you go out downtown.

Dress code doesn't equal racism. Neither does the fact that you don't have an acceptable ID.

Which means, if you're dressed like a thug, you can't give me the excuse, "but I'm white" and hope to get in.

Yes, those policemen are riding horses. No, you can not pet the horses.

You've obviously had a few. Don't argue with me and tell me I don't know what I'm doing when I check IDs. A drunk guy telling a bouncer how to do his job is like an Asian telling a NASCAR driver how to turn left, or a midget trying to teach Shaq how to dunk.

You can yell and scream and cry and bribe all you want, but if I've already told you that you can't come in, no amount of hysterics will change my mind.

Oh? You've got a driver's license from some random country in Europe that's really nothing more than a laminated business card? Yeah, that totally works...

And no, the cops can't tell me to let you in. So, don't even bother asking. Trust me, they don't want to hear you whine anymore than I do.

If you have a friend, and they get kicked out because they're wasted, go with them. Don't just leave them on the sidewalk while you go inside in another futile effort to get that chick's number. She doesn't even think you're cute.

Ladies, every now and again, its ok to not dress like a stripper when you go out.

Don't sell drugs on the side of my building. Seriously. All that does is force me to get the cops involved to keep you from detracting from my business. At least go across the street to stand in front of my competitors bar.

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